For the Society

For the service of humanity we are conducting annadanam,  satsangs for old age homes, orphanages,etc

For the Leaders

For Corporate Leaders we offer our wonderful space for conducting events and retreats, staying facility, spiritual guidance & workshops during their weekends, etc.

For the Youth

For Youth we conduct seminars and retreats 

For Culture & Heritage

We create awareness through our activities inspiring one and all to protect our ancient temples and tradition on the basis of scientific understanding.

For Devotees

 For devotees we have daily Bhagavatam discourses, weekly Sunday Satsangs, Kirtan,Festivals like Janmashtami celebration etc, 

For Children

For children we conduct motivational classes on the basis of ancient scriptures like Bhagavad Gita every Sunday

For Animals

We create awareness to protect animals. Our temple has a wonderful Goshala

For those on Social Media

Everyday morning and evening satsangs are conducted through Facebook & YouTUBE in which approx. 300 people are watching the live sessions and thousands of people are following it up later. These live sessions are providing lot of motivation for the modern generation.